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Enchilada Casserole / Lasagna


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(2018-09-05: My Recipe Book Version[@rev])

I prepped ahead last night an Enchilada Casserole / Lasagna. Did the same basic idea of 2016-10-12[@rev]. I sautéed up some onions and mini-bell peppers. I used a lot of seasonings such as garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, salt, pepper, etc. I then did something new: I added some Laughing Cow. I added a ton of Santa Fe Ole red sauce.

I also steamed 4 (small) chicken breast after putting some salt on them and then shredded them in the mixer.

But, I was assembling the casserole and was thinking it was rather thin. That's when I noticed I completely forgot the chicken! I never mixed it with the onions, etc. So I just topped the middle layer with the chicken and more red sauce and then mixed the rest of the chicken in with the other half.

It was pretty good and worked well as a prepped ahead meal. I did bake it for about 25 minutes at 350°F.